When I was a kid, I used to sneak out of the house and get lost in the city streets, causing my mother tremendous anxiety. I didn't know it then, but I was already prepping my career as a photographer, who according to Susan Sontag «is an armed version of the solitary walker reconnoitering, stalking, cruising the urban inferno, the voyeuristic stroller who discovers the city as a landscape of voluptuous extremes» (Sontag, On Photography).
So, when I grew older, I got armed with my beautiful Fujico (FUJI ST-605) and started my journey in the urban inferno and beyond. I enjoyed this ‘armed voyage’ so much, that it became THE reason to wake up in the morning.I even learned to take care of every aspect related to photography: from analog printing to digital retouching.
The photographs you will find in here are simply the ‘spoils’ of my adventurous journey, during which I also became an adept of the joys of watching and connoisseur of empathy.